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Sunday, April 28, 2013

MySecretFolder 5.1 Full Keygen

MySecretFolder 5.1 Full Keygen - is a software utility that you can use to hide your private folder from other users, hide it so that no one will even suspect that your secret folder exists! Yet the folder would be easily accessible to you, when you need it: just run the MySecretFolder application (or double-click the notification taskbar icon), enter your password, and it will unlock and open the folder. While the folder is unprotected, you can work with the files and documents it contains, just like with any other folder you have. When you are done, lock the folder and the folder will disappear again, until you need it next time.

MySecretFolder 5.1 Full Keygen

MySecretFolder offers many ways of customizing its operation to suit your preferences:

  • You can configure MySecretFolder to display a taskbar icon for quick access to your secret folder, as well as as to serve as an indicator of the status of its protection.
  • You can set up MySecretFolder to clean up the system list of the most recently used programs and documents from the traces of the files located in your secret folder, so that other users would not be able to detect the presence of your secret folder.
  • You can configure MySecretFolder to protect the secret folder even in the safe mode of Windows. (However, we do not recommend to use this option if you are not very experienced with Windows troubleshooting.) MySecretFolder for Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP

Hide a Secret Folder - Do you share your computer with others? Do you want to stop them from peeking into your personal files? With MySecretFolder software, you can hide and password-protect your secret folder on your computer without encrypting the files it contains.

Encrypt external USB flash drives - Do you want to put your secret files on a flash or other removable drive and protect them with a password? If yes, then USBCrypt is the software you need.

Screnshoot : (Click Image to View  Large)

MySecretFolder 5.1 Full Keygen

Home Page : http://www.winability.com/mysecretfolder/
Price : / ( Discount Special Offer Click Home Page )
Note : Buy It Original Software \ select one link


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