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Thursday, April 25, 2013

AVG Antivirus Professional 2013 Build 3272 + Serial Number

AVG Antivirus Professional 2013 Build 3272 + License Key - a set of programs to protect your PC from dangerous objects and network threats. The program includes an extensive set of features: antivirus, anti-rootkit, firewall, email protection and personal data, scanner web links. Blocks viruses, Trojans, worms, spyware, and firewall to protect against network attacks.

AVG Antivirus Professional 2013 Build 3272 Full

The Smart Scan feature includes possibilities to scan the whole computer or specified locations. You can also schedule the software to perform scans on specified dates. We performed a full scan of our computer and while the entire process ran smoothly, it did take quite the amount of time.

Key Features :

  • Surf and search with confidence - AVG Search-Shield places safety ratings next to each link in your search results, letting you know which sites can be trusted, while AVG Surf-Shield checks web pages in real time, identifying malicious websites before you visit them.
  • Stay protected on social networks: - Automatically checks links exchanged on Facebook and MySpace in real time so that you and your friends stay safe.
  • Download, share files and chat safely - Download and share files without risk of infection. You are also protected when you exchange files through online chat.
  • Support and assistance - Our technical experts are available to help with any problems you might have.
  • Keep tough threats out - AVG’s core layers of protection make sure you can’t receive or unintentionally spread even the toughest threats.
  • Play games and watch movies without interruption - Hassle-free protection that works in the background while you play games and watch movies.
  • Scan smarter and faster -  AVG 2011’s scans are even faster. AVG Smart Scanning works while you’re away and runs in low-priority mode when you return.
Screnshoot : (Click Image to View  Large)

AVG Antivirus Professional 2013 Build 3272 + Keygen

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Note : Buy It Original Software


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