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Saturday, May 4, 2013

Games Zeno Clash 2 RELOADED Full

PC Games Zeno Clash 2 RELOADED Full Cracked is the sequel to ACE Team’s award winning punk fantasy game, renowned for its unique visuals and visceral first-person fighting mechanics. Set in the fascinating and disturbing world of Zenozoik, the first game put you in the role of Ghat, a man whose defiance of his clan’s leader and progenitor, ‘FatherMother’, tore their family apart. Despite events that forced him to leave his home, Ghat never intended to reveal FatherMother’s dark secret, the reason for his defiance. However, after deciding to return with a mysterious being he’d met in his exile that called himself ‘Golem’, the secret came out. FatherMother was incarcerated and the clan went their separate ways.

Games Zeno Clash 2 RELOADED Full

Now, with FatherMother jailed and the family dissolved, the world of Zenozoik faces new hardships. Nobody knows why the Golem has decided to stay in Zenozoik, yet his power and knowledge are undeniable. With Zeno Clash 2′s added sidequests and item collection, players will be encouraged to explore this vast, unique world to their heart’s content and discover all of its secrets. Pinpoint aiming and physics-based combat allow for a much richer first-person melee experience. New moves, weapons, and allies take first-person brawling to a whole new level!

Take control of Ghat or Rimat in the new co-op campaign. Seamless drop-in/drop-out co-op allows players to make allies out of other real-world Zeno Clash enthusiasts. Ghat finds this outsider’s imposition upon his home unacceptable, and wants to rid Zenozoik of his influence. Rimat simply wants the family to be reunited, but feels that Ghat is the only one she can turn to. The two form an uneasy alliance and embark upon a journey to change the future of Zenozoik.
The world of Zenozoik has been lovingly rendered with the Unreal III engine, allowing the madmen of ACE Team to fully capture the beauty of Zenozoik as it exists in their imagination.

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Games Zeno Clash 2 RELOADED Full

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